So this week I saw a plastic surgeon and I will be having the scars on my leg fixed since they are kind of stuck to my bone.  Also she is going to try to kind of free up a nerve that is caught in some scar tissue apperently.  I hope that works because where that nerve is hurts when I run/walk a lot.  She will do one surgery on a few of the scars and if it goes well she will do the rest.  The one thing I am not looking forward to is the fact that I will have to be awake!!  All my other surgeries I have been asleep so they have been pretty easy.  I don't really know what it will be like this time... Also, the surgery will be much much shorter than I am used to and I won't be at the hospital as long either.  It will be super quick compared to normal! 

The first surgery will be in July.  I will let you know how it goes!!